Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Multiplayer Review: Another glorious day in the Corps!

Multiplayer Review: Aliens: Colonial Marines - a game played with/against other people and stuff.

So I'm back again and I'm here to update you with my thoughts and experiences of A: CM’s multiplayer. If you read my review on the SPG then you’ll know that I, like many other reviewers, knocked it - and rightly so. 

Now, Gearbox has claimed that the multiplayer is where they spent most of their development time along with another studio, and if that is true then it explains a lot.

Still, does it salvage the train wreck that was the SPG? Is it the much needed evacuation from the atrocious depths of incomplete game play and nasty looking visuals?

Speaks for itself really.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

We Got Nukes, We Got Knives, We Got Sharp Sticks.

Review: Aliens: Colonial Marines - a game with aliens and stuff

The Alien’s franchise is pop-culture fuel for many of us and has touched or influenced much in the way of how the public views multi-media. To say there is a lot to be expected from a “true sequel” would be an understatement. Expectations are mammoth!

So, is this a mission worth taking or should we just accept the alternate continuity and forget any of this happened?

Monday, 11 February 2013

Dead Space 3: Dislike Micro-Transactions? Exploit. Exploit. Exploit.

Can I just check something? Yeah... Yeah... my suit is definitely cooler than yours.

Recently 'Visceral Games' released Dead Space 3, and even more recently Game Front discovered a 'glitch' that can be used to farm precious materials needed for crafting. Yes, that's right. Crafting.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Weekly News Round-Up

At the end of most weeks I'm going to try and find gaming news, and other news, from across the past five days that you might have missed - being busy and all. 

Gaming - 

Good news for you fans of the AC and COD franchise. Announcements have been made from their respective developers regarding supposed release times for the next chapter.

A New Call of Duty is set to launch in late 2013

Thursday, 7 February 2013

PS4 in stores for Xmas 2013. Your play Microsoft.


Sources suggest that Sony is aiming to have the PS4 out and in stores for Christmas this year.

This insight comes from Japan's news source The Asahi Shimbun

They go on to state that the president of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., 'will announce the launch at the PlayStation Meeting 2013 in New York on Feb. 20.'

Their article goes on to explain confirmed features of the new PS4 such as 'cross-discipline use', 'touchpad controllers', 'a dedicated "share" button', yadda yadda yadda.

With rumours running rampant, and largely unchecked, regarding the specs and possibilites of both the Orbis and Durango, this should be getting many enthusiasts excited. 

Surely with such an announcement details about the new PS4 might start emerging, closely followed by announcements for the Xbox 720, maybe? Of course it's important to take this information as mere speculation for the time being. 

Personally I'm not behind the hype or excitement for the new hardware. I still very much love the enduring life of the PS3, as developers push it to make even greater whirring noises. 

How do you feel after reading this news? There's the high possibility of a launch date on the horizon. Can we expect to see the PS4 by the end of the year? And what of Microsoft's' 'Durango' - what's your feelings on the currently elusive piece of hardware?

By Rod-the-Pod, 07-Feb-2013

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

A Beta Test drive of the 3rd Crysis

Review: Crysis 3 BetaA free Beta, with guns and stuff.

With the release date for Crysis 3 quickly approaching, it's always important for consumers to know if the end product is worth your hard earned cash. Find out my thoughts on the recent open beta release.

Down The Rabbit Hole

Review: Far Cry 3 - How insane are we talking about here?

Hotly anticipated and with promise of experiences like nothing else before; Is this Far Cry a mystic island filled with adventures or just a whole lot of bush whacking?