Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Editorial: E3 2019 should have been a fallow year.

Let me explain. 

In agriculture a ‘fallow system’ is, in principle, the practice of leaving a field unseeded for a season and/or year [see: fallow year] in order to restore the nutrients and health to the soil removed from back to back crop production. This would appear to be a significant system that has been practiced from way way way back in our history books and seems to have done well for us thus far. What’s more is that this ‘fallow system’ isn’t just isolated to agricultural needs - oh no! This is a system that is utilised in the following products: 

Glastonbury Festival
The Bible: The Book of Exodus (OC)

So in short we now, unanimously, understand that to take a fallow year simply means to give time for replenishment of health and a renewal of energies for next season - if you will.

And here is where my point applies to E3 2019.

E3 2019 was a low energy, uninspired, lethargic conference for several reasons (not all of which I intend to touch on here). Suffice to say the big elephant in the room was Sony’s active absence as a physical presence, but in an attempt to not give the smarmy fucks all the credit, the videogames industry is in full metamorphosis swing. 

In Microsoft’s humdinger of a show we, the public, were introduced to ‘Project Scarlett’, not in any actual tangible way that mattered, mind you, but in a way that only Microsoft could do when the competition is on vacation: a bunch of talking heads explaining the incredible ways in which new ‘cell processing’ will revolutionise ‘loading times’. Pretty sure that was a key point.  

Could their conference have been done in any other way this year, a way that was more enticing and grabbing for the viewing public and journos of the video games industry? Of course! But would it have made any practical sense to truly go to the rafters when your direct competition is as threatening as a slumbering snorlax? No! Just get a bike and ride the long way around… sorry, that metaphor got away from me.

The point is this; Microsoft set up a soft (pun intended) pitch for this year’s E3 conference and it’s entirely justifiable from a business perspective, and let’s be clear, for me, I still enjoyed the event because it’s just good fun to get excited about your hobby. But when Sony - the aforementioned non-presence - still managed to swing a number of home-run video game trailers without even being there, then maybe all the big players should really consider embracing the ‘fallow year’ practice, and leave a year out with their own version of Nintendo Direct, because goddamn we have to admit that, once again, Nintendo made the right decision to pre-empt the changing landscape of video game development, seek higher ground in their Tree House, and safely lower our expectations from them year to year, low enough that we will take a pointless CG trailer of Banjo-Kazooee being introduced into Smash Brothers, as a win.

This was clearly one of Bajo's hair brained schemes. Kazooee holds nothing but resentment in those eyes.

The question I’m left with now is: how would E3 2019 have been different if we’d all known this was the year to renew, re-juvinate, and re-energise the industry in the run up to the next console generation coming in 2020? 

Would Jon Bernthal’s dog, Bam-Bam, being on stage have been less odd if he was posed next to him in a pre-recorded video? Actually, now that I think about it - yes, that would have been more pointless. Bam-Bam’s a heckin good boi and all, but, he really was a pointless addition. Sorry Bam-Bam. Sorry Jon. 

Pointless but oh so cute!

We certainly wouldn’t have received the next stage in our ongoing and universal experience of the ‘Keanu-aissance’, and that would have been tragic. Again, sorry Bam-Bam.

What this all comes down to - for me at least - is the frustration that the video game industry and the video game audience are in a needlessly toxic cycle, where “we” the rabid fan base who can never be pleased, demand to have each E3 conference be superb in the reveals, to up the ante year after. We want bigger crop production, but are unwilling to allow time for the industry to recover and deliver the goods. Equally, the industry is all too happy to show up and feed the mania with sad looking yields (I’m looking at you Project Scarlett “reveal”) that would have benefited from a year of recovery. In my mind, it’s too much to keep demanding bigger and better from an industry that’s already sagging under the weight of product demand, and its failure to adequately address fundamental industry working conditions. 

I think we could all do with just taking a step back, on each side of the line, and have a civil conversation of mutual respect:  

E3 Publishers and Devs
Hey E3 Audience.

E3 Audience
Hey E3 Pubs and Devs. How’s it going?

E3 Publishers and Devs
Good. Yeah, really good. 2019 is...in the bag.

E3 Audience
Cool. Coolcoolcool...cool.

E3 P’s & D’s/ E3 Audience
“We wanted to ask you - / We wanted to say something -

E3 Audience
“Oh sorry E3 P’s & D’s, didn’t mean to cut you off.

E3 Publishers and Devs
“No, no problem E3 Audience. What did you want to say?

E3 Audience
“No, you go first. I want to hear what you wanted to say.

E3 Publishers and Devs
“Oh, ok. Well… we just wanted to ask you guys… for a bit more time. You know, in the future of this industry. Time to do what we do best, and do it so we can make it the best product for you to enjoy that we can… you know?

E3 Audience
“Ha! That’s so weird E3 P’s & D’s because WE were going to suggest something similar. Not because you aren’t doing a great job as it stands. God no! You are smashing it! Bringing all that yearly content that to the show, year after year. It’s an impressive feat and I can’t even begin to comprehend how it’s done. 

E3 Publishers and Devs
“Oh thanks E3 audience, that’s… that’s really nice to hear. It’s a tough industry but we love doing it.

E3 Audience
“No doubt, no doubt. So I guess we wanted to just let you know that we don’t mind if you need to take a year off, you know, so you can… have more time to make the best product that you want to make. I mean, it’s not like we’re starving for content right?! [Laughs]

E3 Publishers and Devs
“We know right! [Laughs] It’s not like there’s 3 decades of video games already made and totally available for you to enjoy.

E3 Audience
“Right! [Laughs]

E3 Publishers and Devs

[Laughing slowly stops]

[Cont.] E3 Publishers and Devs
“So you’re ok with that idea? Because we know you guys are some of the best and most ardent fans in any consumer sector around the world. It’s unbelievable!”

E3 Audience
“Awww guys, that’s sweet of you to say.

E3 Publishers and Devs
“You are though!”

E3 Audience
“Yeah we love videogames and are super lucky to have you talent group of women and men just make this stuff because you love it and love the medium.”

E3 Publishers and Devs
“So you’re ok with the idea of us all taking a year out, bringing something smaller to the table next time?”

E3 Audience
“Oh damn! Of course P’s & D’s, we totally get where you’re coming from. Totally! Take that year to rejuvenate and re-energise your creative teams. We can wait.”

E3 Publishers and Devs
“Thanks E3 audience. You really are the best.”

E3 Audience
“No E3 P’s & D’s. You’re the best.”

[They hug]


Awww that was heckin good - Sorry Bam-Bam.